What’s in our future?
Who gets to decide?
Can we change who gets to decide?
She hears a dead friend singing in the park – who selected that voice-mod to replace their own, and why?
Meeting him among the tethers holding together her small space city was electrifying – until she sensed one disintegrating.
Teens on different space habitats exchanging messages and dreams – via junk DNA in bio-sample data packets.
A robot far in the woods, observing the tiniest creatures in its soil – “I am very tired of humans desperately needing me to be something to them” (pg. 119).
Gender assumptions, body image, white entitlement, traditional knowledges, emotions and more…
Go to ten futures with William Alexander, K. Ancrum, Elizabeth Bear, A.R. Capetta, Charlotte Nicole Davis, Nasugraq Rainey Hopson, A.S. King, E.C. Myers, Junauda Petrus-Nasah, and graphic novelist Wendy Xu.
The authors were challenged to write YA fiction using classic hard Sci-Fi with “no magic, no faster-than-light travel, just real-world physics,” and they succeeded brilliantly with these stories “about young people discovering themselves and how their bravery can change the world in small or big ways” (pg x).
Check it out at your local library or independent bookstore – hardcover, eBook, and paperback.
What do you see in your future?
Book info: Tasting Light: Ten Science Fiction Stories to Rewire Your Perceptions / edited by A.R. Capetta & Wade Roush. MITeen Press /Candlewick, hardcover 2022, paperback 2023. [A.R. site] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.