C is CULTURED DONUTS: Take a Bite Out of Art History, by Chloe Tyler (Nonfiction Picturebook) #A2Z

book cover of Cultured Donuts: Take a Bite Out of Art History, by Chloe Tyler. Published by Flowerpot Press | recommended on BooksYALove.com

Close your eyes and imagine how Picasso would paint a donut. I bet you see strong colors and lots of angles in his famous Cubist abstract style.

How would other noted artists portray that donut?

This delicious book answers that curious question with donuts in the style of 16 well-known artists from Da Vinci to Van Gogh, Seurat to Matisse, Dali to Basquiat.

Each two-page spread features information on the artist’s life and works, what’s distinctive about their style, and a huge donut in that style.

Artist Chloe Tyler who so brilliantly created all these donuts also includes an extensive glossary, as well as tips & tricks for tasty technique to help you echo a famous artist’s style on your next project.

Which artist would you like to share a real donut with?

Book info: Cultured Donuts: Take a Bite Out of Art History / Chloe Tyler. Flowerpot Press, 2022. [author/artist interview] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.

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