Looking back, peering at the future

mounted pheasant in flight wearing Santa hat

Somehow, I pictured Santa as a larger flying critter…

You’ve heard the saying, ” Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans,” right?

Yep. It does.

My good intentions for posting at least once weekly through the holidays got nibbled away daily by everything from a leaking water heater to an ailing older dog (who’s much better now).

January is for new beginnings, so I’ve decide to ignore the blank expanse of recent weeks on BooksYALove and work through the ‘new normal’ of unquiet house and odd schedules as best I can.

No promises of how many books I’ll recommend weekly, but I do have so many great ones that I do want to share – perhaps in a shorter format…

So that you get new posts as soon as I release them, please do subscribe to BooksYALove by email or using your favorite feed reader (see right sidebar for options). I also announce new posts on Twitter as @BooksYALove.

And a big thank you to everyone who visited BooksYALove in 2013 – from 77 countries, WordPress tells me!


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