Evacuation means leaving the place.
Mandatory means that it must be done.
She knows this, he doesn’t even care.
After the accident, her sister’s rehab was long and arduous, her dad abandoned them, and Sophie concentrated on helping mom with their stables and preparing to become a veterinarian.
Then Finn walked back into her life like he’d never stood her up at the dance, like he didn’t remember how close they had been before, like he hadn’t disappeared without a trace, without even a phone call…
And now the hurricane grows more powerful than predicted as the teens are stuck on the barrier island, trying to stay alive!
Go back to coastal North Carolina with the author of The Thing With Feathers, which I recommended here.
Checked your emergency preparedness skills and supplies lately?
Book info: Meet the Sky / McCall Hoyle. Blink YA, 2018. [author site] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.
My book talk: As a ferocious hurricane approaches North Carolina, Sophie is stranded on her Outer Banks island with Finn, guaranteed to break her heart again, if they survive the storm.
Did Mom and Mere and the horses get to the mainland safely?
What brought Finn back to the island?
Surfing during a hurricane evacuation is just like class clown Finn, delaying their journey through the increasing wind to safety.
Too close to the shore, Sophie and Finn fight through lancing rain and wind-borne debris to find shelter. Too late?
I’ve lived in Florida and experienced Hurricane Andrew, this description took me back. I don’t care where you live though have an emergency kit you won’t regret it. I think I should add this to my current WIP. – Dragons & Spaceships
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