Waiting for seventh grade to begin,
sketching flowers and a found dog,
waiting for Mom to talk about those old photos.
Edie’s mom was adopted by a white family in Seattle so her Native American ancestry is a mystery. This growing distance between the 12 year old and best friend Amelia is mysterious, too… will she help Edie and Serenity make their movie for the student festival or not?
Wow, Edie looks just like the Edith whose journals she found in their attic, who headed down to Hollywood in 1973 to be in the movies… why haven’t her parents ever mentioned her? Who was Theo and why did he go to Wounded Knee?
New braces, old worries… how can Amelia insist that Edie star in their film instead of being the animator like she promised? What if Mom and Dad won’t talk about Edith at all?
One summer week… so much can happen in one week! Will Edie’s life ever be the same?
The author is Upper Skagit of the Coast Salish people and lives in the Pacific Northwest, like Edie and her family.
What stories does your family tell when you remember those who came before you?
Book info: I Can Make This Promise / Christine Day. Harper Collins, 2019. [author site] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.