Unfair treatment,
Bullying at school and online,
Can one person make a difference?
Yes! One voice can add to the chorus asking for big changes or help a new student feel welcome by being an Upstander instead of an uncaring bystander.
Use the quizzes in each chapter to discover what kind of bystander you are – neutral, negative, or positive – and that your reactions will differ from situation to situation.
Become better at being kind to yourself, dealing respectfully with conflict, and working with others to brainstorm ways to make a difference.
Young people do have power to change unfair rules – learn strategies that help decision-makers see your viewpoint.
Kindness and anger are both contagious – educate yourself on ways to spread kindness and disrupt stereotypes that spread negativity.
In these times and in all times coming, you can educate yourself to be an Upstander, to positively help your family, school, community, and world.
Are you up for this?
Book info: Stand Up! Be an Upstander and Make a Difference / Wendy L. Moss, PhD. Magination Press, 2019. [author bio] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.