image (c) Phillip Martin
The merry month of May…
reading, writing, reading,
slow progress on TBR2012 shelf,
WordCount Blogathon2013 dead ahead!
Oh, I recommended plenty of books in May, but only 2 from my to-be-reviewed shelf had publication dates of 2012 or earlier:
Renegade Magic, by Stephanie Burgis
Arm of the Starfish, by Madeleine L’Engle
So totaled with my January, February, March, and April TBR2012 Challenge title lists, that makes 46 pre-2013 books that I’ve offered for your consideration this year (just click on the link to get to that month’s wrap-up post with titles and links to my recommendations; each opens in new tab/window).
Now, I’m poised to take on the blog-every-day-of-June-challenge of WordCount Blogathon2013! (remember, if you sign up by 11 pm EDT/8 pm PDT today and blog each day in June, you’re eligible for nifty prizes)
I plan to take full advantage of the traditional Blogathon days for haiku, word clouds, “my top five” and at least one guest blogger, as well as sending a guest post to another Blogathonner’s blog or two. Even with those special days counted in, that still means over two dozen new books will be recommended for you in June as I #blog2013!
During the summer, I will be joining many librarians and teachers in trying to read a #bookaday (thank goodness I also review picture books for www.abookandahug.com!), Tweeting my progress @BooksYALove. Since I read fast and write with due deliberation, there may be quite a gap between my #bookaday tweet and its appearance here on BooksYALove. If you spot a title that you can’t wait to hear more about, give me a holler here, and I’ll try to move its recommendation post up the calendar.
Of course, not every book I read makes the cut for BooksYALove – only the best are good enough for YA readers to spend their time and money on, in my opinion.
So, what will you be reading and writing this summer??
Image of reader lying down copyrighted by and courtesy of Phillip Martin http://reading.phillipmartin.info/la_reading_comprehension.htm
Good luck, Katy! I hope to finish and review one environmentally-themed novel during the blogathon.
Thanks, Van! I enjoy your rambles and yarn-ventures, so am looking forward to see which novel you choose and what you think about it.
Glad to see you in this year’s Blogathon. Right now I am reading a YA book called “The 5th Wave” which I have so many conflicted thoughts about that I’m almost ready to write a review about it. I’m definitely bucking the trend of glowing reviews about that book. Then, in August, the 4th “Moon” book by Susan Pfeiffer comes out. Books 1 and 2 totally grabbed me, book #3 not so much, so I am hoping book #4 will give this series the great ending it deserves.
Gotta agree with you, Alana, on The 5th Wave (which you won’t see on BooksYALove because it was a ‘bestseller’ before it hit the bookstore shelves). I have an advance reader copy and was not reading before bedtime because it was supposed to be so scary, and I have much too good an imagination to invoke nightmares on purpose. After finishing, my reaction was more ‘meh’ than ‘wow’.
And I did love Pfeffer’s first 2 in the series, haven’t read the 3rd yet. When a potentially real event can be used so successfully by an author, you really feel it. Check out by Mike Mullin for similar young people bucking the odds after catastrophic natural disaster tales – I recommend them highly and am just waiting for book 3.
Aghhh,,, the titles by Mike Mullin are Ashfall & Ashen Winter (the link does go to my recommendations).