Another April, another double-dozen book recommendations for y’all!
I pointed out 25 wonderful new books and a pair of free audiobooks this month (download them free by Wednesday, of course).
Was the effort of participating in #AprilA2Z blogging challenge worth it?
Well, it was good to get back in the groove of writing every morning early, before facing the news and email demands.
I posted a link to my blog post with the Challenge hashtags on social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Spoutible – every day. Every, single, day that I posted.
Got a nice handful of comments through the month, thanks to the AprilAtoZ Blog Challenge List here, a great place for you to find new blogs of interest to you.
I do wonder if anyone reads these recommendations which are my own summaries, not just copied from publishers or the book cover blurbs.
Going forward, I’ll aim for 3 posts a week, including the remaining 12 weeks of AudioSYNC summer free audiobooks.
Which AprilA2Z recommendation made you want to go grab that book?
Congratulations on finishing the A to Z! I am most interested in checking out the book you recommended at Q.
Congrats on finishing!