Encounter wonderful and wondrous magical beings in this week’s AudioSYNC free audiobooks.
Be sure to download either or both audiobooks into your Sora shelf by Wednesday 24 May 2023 – free!
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Here are this week’s tales of magical creatures, in our world and theirs.

Keeper of the Night book 1 (free Sora download 5/18-24/2023)
by Kylie Lee Baker | Read by Rebecca Yeo
Published by Dreamscape
Ever-searching for her banished mother, Ren is a collector of deceased souls. The near-immortal teen travels from England to Japan on her quest, encountering mortals and magical creatures. Who’s on her side? Can she escape the rest?

Out of the Blue (free Sora download 5/18-24/2023)
by Jason June | Read by André Santana, Neo Cihi
Published by Harper Audio
During his month-long quest on land, Crest must decide whether to return to the sea as a mer or live as a human. Meeting lifeguard Sean is eye-opening for the non-binary mer. As their relationship grows, Crest and Sean consider what their future might be.
So many tales of magical beings – what others do you recommend?
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