P is for POETRY COMICS through the seasons, by Grant Snider (MG book review) #A2Z

book cover of Poetry Comics, by Grant Snider. Published by Chronicle Books

“I want to put down on paper the feeling of fresh possibilities” as Spring begins Grant Snider’s collection of poems for kids, portrayed in comics panels.

Some poems take two pages to unfold, like “How To Stop the Spin of the Earth,” some are a single panel with few words, most use several panels on one page in traditional comics format.

All these poems are enhanced by their drawings of kids out in the world or at school or at home, with a few where the images take the written words to a higher level of meaning, like “Shape Story” in Spring (shown below) and “Best Friends” in the Summer section.

Shape Story: On a windy day I flew a kite  (child holds string of red square as kite). The sun was shining (sitting child sees yellow circle as sun) - but not for long (child under gray rain clouds holds blue upright triangle as umbrella). I ran... all the way home (child runs with blue umbrella to house with orange trapezoid as roof).

“How deep can a poem go?” Summer asks.

“I will wait for a poem to fall into my open arms,” Fall patiently says.

Winter sees “A new page – my words huddle close to keep warm.”

Each season ends with a version of “How To Write a Poem” so young readers can begin writing their own poems!

How are you inspired by the world around you?

Book info: Poetry Comics / written & illustrated by Grant Snider. Chronicle Books, 2024. [author site] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.

3 thoughts on “P is for POETRY COMICS through the seasons, by Grant Snider (MG book review) #A2Z

  1. I discussed poetry today too (and shared a poem I wrote a few years ago!). I like nature poetry and this looks like a great book. Donna @ Girl Who Reads

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