TBR 2012 update – slowly, but surely!

Since my last update on July 1 chronicling my progress through the shelves full of pre-2013 books that I was determined to finally recommend on BooksYALove, I have

  • traveled to Singapore and Indonesia, via Japan and Korea,
  • driven several hundred miles in Texas presenting IASL’s GiggleIT Project for global student writing through school libraries,
  • moved 3 truckloads of  semi-tropical plants in containers to their winter home,
  • and read many, many eGalleys online with 30-60 day expiration dates.

Book cover of The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson published by Margaret McElderry BooksI haven’t written up as many TBR2012 Challengebook cover of Pearl by Jo Knowles published by Henry Holt Books books as I did earlier in the year, but did spotlight Nalo Hopkinson’s highly inventive Canadian-Jamaican fantasy The Chaos  (my no-spoiler review here) and Jo Knowles’ growing up novel Pearl  (more here), which brings my total to 51 for the year. Over one per week – not bad!

What’s on your to-be-read shelf these days?

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