Criminal, by Terra Elan McVoy (book review) – girlfriend, lover, accomplice?!

book cover of Criminal by Terra Elan McVoy published by Simon PulseHe loves me,
he loves me not.
Of course he’s innocent!
Oh, God, he’s not

Hopefully, you read guest blogger Alison Law‘s introduction to fellow Georgia author McVoy’s latest book earlier this year on BooksYALove. I just have to chime in with my recommendation for this book and pray that I never have to see anyone I know trapped into a situation like Nikki is!

What are you waiting for? Get this novel now at your local library or independent bookstore  – if you’re a fan of realistic fiction, you should be on their waiting list for anything that Terra writes.

How far should you go to protect the one you love, even when you know that love is not returned?

Book info: Criminal / Terra Elan McVoy. Simon Pulse, 2013.  [author site]  [publisher site]   Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.

My book talk: Nikki loves Dee and is so glad he came back to her, until a joyride in a borrowed car turns into deception, murder, and worse.

So Dee left her alone for a while, came back with a new N tattoo, but it’s just not his style to say anything about love out loud. She’d do anything to keep Dee happy, keep him from leaving again, keep herself in Bird’s house away from her addict mom.

She still hears the gunshots in her dreams, wonders how the police were so quick to question Dee. Maybe they didn’t get every fingerprint off Bird’s fancy car when they borrowed it that day… When Dee calls her, he’ll straighten it out. Waiting and waiting for him to call.

Murder? Dee isn’t some goody-two-shoes guy, but they’re pinning that deputy’s murder on him – and now Nikki’s in the slammer because she just drove when he told her to drive away from some Atlanta neighborhood she’d never seen before.

Her best and only friend Bird warned her about Dee, now she’s cutting off all contact with Nikki for the sake of her little daughter. Momma’s no help, ever, and Dee is lying about Nikki’s involvement in the crime to save his own skin!

Doesn’t Dee love her?
How can she find out when they’re in separate prisons?
What if she really doesn’t want to know?

The desperation of Nikki’s love for Dee is only matched by her growing determination to get out of this mess, with or without him, in this gripping novel which begins the morning after the getaway and unfolds in damning detail after detail.  (One of 6,000 books recommended on

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