Another Fun Friday, and a second Red Blazer Girls mystery to puzzle over!
This time, the four friends are given clues that could lead to a beautiful violin which disappeared from a locked room fifty years ago, and their principal hires them to look into mysterious good deeds at St. Veronica’s.
Eating ice cream makes solving the puzzles and codes easier, right? And they’ll have time for their new band and just a little bit of flirting, too, yes?
Hoping that the third volume wanders my way soon – so much fun to solve the puzzles along with Sophie, Margaret, Becca, and Leigh Ann!
Book info: The Red Blazer Girls: The Vanishing Violin / Michael D. Beil. Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2010 (*paperback 2011). [author’s website] [publisher site]
Recommendation:Disappearing world-class violin! Mysterious good deeds at school! The Red Blazer Girls are back on the case, as Sister Bernadette hires them to investigate strange things happening at St. Veronica School, like the library’s miraculous weekend renovation! The four friends look for hidden passages in the school’s creepy basement, stepping in red icky goo as they search. Who would clean the teacher’s lounge fridge – without being asked??
Margaret gets a puzzling note at the violin shop next door, urging her to decipher a code so she can get the next clue in a race to recover a violin that’s been missing for 50 years. If she finds it first, she can keep it! Time to get those clever minds racing, with two mysteries to solve at once, puzzles, riddles and all.
In the meantime, the girls form a band (The Blazers, of course), flirt a little (especially Sophie), work through puzzles and codes a lot, and close in on the culprits – but wait! A second violin disappears from the totally-locked violin shop whose new assistant hides his sketchy past. Three cases at once?
The Red Blazer Girls are determined to solve them all before their band’s first performance at the coffeehouse next door. Four fabulous friends, multiplying mysteries, and all the wonders and woes of middle school life make the Red Blazers Girls series a winner! (Be sure to read Ring of Rocamadour first to get the most of their stories) 336 pages (One of 5,000 books recommended on Review copy courtesy of the publisher.