TBR2014 progress + ready for AtoZ April Challenge

I made a bit of progress on my To-Be-Recommended shelf of pre-2014 titles, highlighting these gems in March  (click each link to open my no-spoiler review in a new tab/window):

book cover of Golden by Jessi Kirby published by Simon & Schuster BFYRbook cover of Spies and Prejudice by Talia Vance published by EgmontThe mystery surrounding the decade-ago disappearance of her small-town’s Golden  couple sets Parker on a quest outside her comfort zone.

Is anything really the way it appears in Southern California? The teen investigators in Spies and Prejudice  think not, but disagree on who’s right.

So far in 2014, I’ve recommended 10 of my targeted 50+ pre-2014 titles for this year’s Bookish 2014 TBR Reading Challenge.

I’ll really make TBR progress during the AtoZ April Challenge, as I blog 26 books in 26 days, starting tomorrow on an A through Z setup with 1,600+ other bloggers; most of these books are 2013s with just a few new releases thrown in.

Ready for some great reads? Stay tuned!

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