Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students, by Mignon Fogarty (book review)

book cover of Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students by Mignon Fogarty published by St Martins GriffinBetween or among?
There, their, they’re?
I wonder if an indirect question needs a question mark.

Ah, springtime and term papers… what a crazy combination! You can keep the red editing marks from marring your work by consulting a friendly voice in the writing wilderness: Grammar Girl.

Among Mignon Fogarty’s many helpful books on writing, grammar, and word usage is Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students. Check it out at your local library, then buy your own personal copy from your favorite indie bookstore.

Now, about when to use as versus like

Book info: Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students / Mignon Fogarty; illustrations by Erwin Haya. St. Martins Griffin, 2011.  [author site]  [publisher site]   Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.

My book talk: Whether you’re writing a school report or fanfic with a twist, knowing how to use grammar properly will ensure that you are truly understood. Mignon Fogarty brings her trademark clarity to student writing with this fun and funny guide.

Revisit parts of speech and sentence types, “punch up your punctuation” (how do those quotation marks mix with the rest?), and dive into the whole editing/rewriting process with Grammar Girl’s easy-reading mix of explanations, writing samples, pop quizzes, and Quick and Dirty Tips (like when to use they’re, their, or there).

Aardvark and his pet snail Squiggly act out key concepts for visual reinforcements, and the written examples can be hilarious: “Squiggly presumed that Grammar Girl would flinch when she saw the word misspelled as alot.”

To improve your writing and laugh along the way, get a copy of Grammar Girl Presents the Ultimate Writing Guide for Students now – your readers and teachers will thank you! (One of 6,000 books recommended on

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