Fisherman boots and rough-cut hair.
Sweet little flats and pearl buttons.
These two girls couldn’t be more different, yet more attracted to one another.
But fabulous kisses can hardly outweigh Emily’s go-go-go-business attitude when Jesse considers the damage that a large corporation could inflict on their charming small town.
Beyond the complicated/simple attraction between Jesse and Emily in this story is the larger question of being true to your community. Whether observing the International Day of Peace Vigil every September 21st with millions or demonstrating weekly for peace like Jesse and friends, perhaps humankind can take more steps forward for community and peace in 2013.
Find this honest and enriching story in hardback or eBook today at your local library or independent bookstore.
What’s your most heartfelt wish for this new year?
Book info: The Difference Between You and Me / Madeleine George. Viking, 2012. [author’s website] [publisher site] [book trailer]
My Recommendation: Her kisses are perfect, her pearl-button sweaters are adorable, but the way that Emily compartmentalizes her life bugs Jesse. Of course, it’s complicated because she’s always second-fiddle to Emily’s boyfriend, and Emily’s work as Student Council VP, and Emily’s upcoming internship with NorthStar…