Dad is remarrying in Paris,
new French stepsister hates her,
No way she will find love in the City of Light!
Sophie is so mad at Dad for leaving them behind, for not following through on promised piano, for… everything!
More complex than the usual ‘summer romance in a romantic city’ story, Sophie has to work through her feelings of abandonment, apprehension about auditions and college costs, and misunderstandings with her own brother (and all the French teens in Camille’s group, all of them!) as she decides if a summer love is worth potential heartbreak.
Paris – alone or with a special someone?
Book info: One Paris Summer / Denise Grover Swank. Blink, 2016. [author site] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.
My book talk: Meeting him was the best part of her summer in Paris, but since Matthieu is friends with the new stepsister who hates Sophie, even the prospect of using his mom’s piano to practice for upcoming auditions loses its luster.
And with her former crush traveling over to stay with her brother Eric for a few weeks (Dad is trying to make peace after leaving them behind in South Carolina after the divorce), it’s all going to get complicated… really, really complicated!
Is it okay to like Matthieu when he was Camille’s friend first?
When will Dad understand that abandoning his kids for a fancy French wife is unforgivable?
Why can’t she clear her mind and just practice, practice, practice for music scholarships?
Mixed messages from Matthieu may be more than errors in translation when Sophie’s emotions swing wildly during One Paris Summer as first love may be just around the corner.
It sounds good! Thanks for the timely post. I don’t normally gravitate to romance on its own, but romance + family dynamics is always an interesting combo!
Thanks for visiting, Sarah! Some very interesting inter- and intra-family dynamics in this one!