Brought back from death far from her country,
forced to become a spy,
even though she believes necromancy is heresy!
Not just resurrected, Naya was murdered – was she in the wrong place at the wrong time or was she assassinated?
Fellow wraith Corten knows her as a servant girl indentured to the necromancer who also sang him back to life following his early death – will he understand why she had to keep her true identity hidden?
An undead love story with deceit and treachery…
Book info: Twice Dead (Necromancer’s Song, book 1) / Caitlin Seal. Charlesbridge Teen, 2018. [author site] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.
My book talk: Murdered in a foreign port, Naya is horrified to be resurrected as a wraith who can change her form but may not be able to change her fate as an unwilling spy.
Death isn’t the end in Ceremor, a land that her sea captain father often visits, but the Talmiran teen still shudders to be among so many undead returned to this world by necromancers.
Now she is the abomination, a spirit body resurrected by runes inscribed on her bones, needing only the aether life-force of the living as food.
Forced to masquerade as a servant, Naya learns from Corten how to exist as a wraith, finding him a bright spot in a strange place, especially when they discover her unusual powers.
Who ordered her murder and resurrection?
Who wants to shatter the fragile peace between Ceremor and Talmir?
Is dying again the only way to escape?
First book in the Necromancer’s Song series, filled with intrigue, rune-powered devices, and treachery!