Shelter, by Patricia H. Aust (book review) – escaping Dad’s abuse…maybe

book cover of Shelter by Patricia Aust published by Luminis BooksDad in dictator mode,
Family can never do anything right,
Bam! The abuse begins again…

While machismo may be the norm for Puerto Rican men on the island and in the US, Miguel’s dad inflicts mental and physical abuse on his family, plain and simple.

A great #diversebook from my 48 Hour Reading Challenge last weekend – ask for Shelter at your local library or favorite independent bookstore. In memory of its author, the publisher is donating part of the royalties to the women’s shelter where she volunteered before her death in 2012.

Share Miguel’s story with others once you’ve finished – for some it will be interesting information; for others it will be the hope and knowledge that they need to escape family violence.


Book info: Shelter / Patricia H. Aust. Luminis Books, 2014.  [author obituary]   [publisher site]  Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.

My book talk: When Mom can’t take Dad’s abuse any more and escapes with Miguel and his big sister to a shelter, the teen is certain that his father won’t rest until he finds them.

Every detail of family life must be done exactly as Dad demands, or else! At first, Mom could keep the bruises hidden when she went to work, but not this broken jaw.

Fleeing to the women’s shelter is just the first step for Mom, Ellie, and Miguel – restraining orders, new cellphones, getting off the camp bus two stops early so the shelter location isn’t known, going to court.

But Ellie’s boyfriend Diego isn’t any happier with her being gone than Dad is that his family disappeared – even in Connecticut, no piece of paper should come between a Puerto Rican man and his woman!

During this anxious summer in another town, Miguel has to decide if he must always be in control like Dad or will follow his tae kwan do instructor’s teachings and become a honorable man.  (One of 6,000 books recommended on

2 thoughts on “Shelter, by Patricia H. Aust (book review) – escaping Dad’s abuse…maybe

  1. Pingback: Great review for “Shelter” by Books YA Love | Luminis Books

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