If kitty pix make you go “Awwww” and photos of gorgeous guys make you go “Rawr!” then this is your book!
Add it to your favorite indie bookstore wishlist (search here for a great bookstore near you: http://indiebound.org) or just go buy it now as a gift for the person who appreciates cat cute and masculine musculature.
And, yes, the French photographers are adding more fellow and feline picture-pairs to their tumblr!
Book info: Men & Cats /Marie-Eva Gatuingt and Alice Chaygneaud. Perigee Books, 2015. [authors’ tumblr] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.
My book talk: Photos of men and cats in matching poses prove that no words are needed to communicate the concepts of “cute plus captivating” as the creators of the wildly popular Des Hommes et des Chatons tumblr have created 50 new combos for this book.
Whether shirtlessly lounging in the sunshine or dually dapper in bowties, each pair of pix has a particular shared visual element (the one with blue eyes!).
Praying and yawning, serene and playful – enjoy men, enjoy cats, enjoy this preview of the book: