E is EVERYDAY HERO MACHINE BOY – can he ever control his powers? by Irma Kniivila & Tri Vuong (MG Graphic Novel review) #A2Z

book cover of Everyday Hero Machine Boy, by Irma Kniivila & Tri Vuong. Published by Skybound Comet / Image Comics | recommended on BooksYALove.com

A grandfather’s routine errand to buy tomatoes for spaghetti sauce turns violent as something crashes down from the sky!

The machine-boy tries to atone for his destruction by rebuilding the tomato greenhouse, but needs Grandma’s help to harness his powers.

He practices karate with her all summer long, anticipating the epic Orphan Universe concert and preparing to go to high school.

The school Frosh Dungeon obstacle course victors will get to meet Orphan Universe, so of course Machine Boy is eager to win – his partner Bea with the mysterious past, not so much…

His interstellar pet goes haywire, and Bea may not truly be his friend.

Can Machine Boy be the grandson that Grandma needs?

Includes a reading guide with questions and activities for this middle grade graphic novel, as well as the recipe for Grandma Mei’s Spaghetti and Meatballs!

How are you an everyday hero?

Book info: Everyday Hero Machine Boy / Irma Kniivila & Tri Vuong. Skybound Comet / Image Comics, 2022. [Irma’s site] [publisher site] Review copy and cover image courtesy of the publisher.

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