With February being the shortest month, I had fewer TBR2012 Challenge titles on BooksYALove than in January (as listed here), but I am moving on through my to-be-reviewed stack at a fairly decent pace.
Check out a few recent titles that you might have missed:
Down the Mysterly River – Bill Willingham
Something Red – Douglas Nicholas
The Treachery of Beautiful Things – Ruth Frances Long
Graphic Novel:
Peanut – Ayun Halliday, art by Paul Hoppe
Dangerous Boy – Mandy Hubbard
Spookygirl: Paranormal Investigator – Jill Baguchinsky
Altered – Jennifer Rush
A Girl Named Digit – Annabel Monaghan
Safekeeping – Karen Hesse
So far in 2013, I’ve recommended 22 of my old-year titles for y’all (and no spoilers) – hurry to your library or bookstore to get some today.